Xander de los Reyes

From Orange County, California, Xander de los Reyes is a veteran of the Marine Corps. He served from 2012 to 2017 as a close-quarters battle team leader with the Recapture Tactics Team of Strategic Weapons Facility, Pacific, and then as an infantry squad leader, raid leader, and helicopter rope suspension technique master with 2nd Battalion 4th Marines. Xander transferred from community college to Princeton University, where he now studies politics with a minor in ethics. He is a Fellow in Princeton’s Writing Center and a writer for the Princeton Legal Journal. Xander is also the president of the Princeton Transfer Association, a student-led organization that advocates for transfer-friendly policy reform.


Xander’s Veteran applicant shared some inspiring words on the impacts of his mentorship: “Xander initially provided me with some insights regarding school selection and timing. Throughout the application process, Xander very heavily influenced my essays. He provided me with the most detailed notes I have ever gotten. My mother, who has post-graduate education in English, read Xander’s notes to me (I always copied and pasted them into my next draft) and she said to me “who is Xander? He’s brilliant.” I could not have asked for a better person to mentor me during this process.” – Thomas Seneker, Harvard University, Fall 2023

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